Globalization is the process of
international integration arising from the interchange of world views,
products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. The term globalization has been
increasingly used since the mid 1980s and especially since the mid 1990s. In
2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified trade and transactions,
capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people and the
dissemination of knowledge, as the four basic aspects of globalization. The
growth in technology, spread of print and electronic media and growth of
services like insurance, banking, health care etc are other aspects of
The words Globalization,
Privatization and Liberalization are used interchangeably in practice. But
theoretically, these three concepts have different meaning. Globalization
describes an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies and
cultures have become integrated through globe spanning networks of exchange. It
refers to the integration of national economies through trade, foreign direct
investment, capital flows, migration and the spread of technologies. Privatization
is the transfer of ownership of business, enterprise, agency or public service
from public sector to the private sector. Liberalization refers to the
relaxation of restrictions imposed by government through tariffs and laws over
trade or business with other countries.

As far as the dismantling of barriers
to international economic transactions is concerned, the first step in this
direction was ‘trade liberalization’ which led to the unprecedented expansion
of international trade between 1950s and 1970s. This was followed by the
liberalization of regimes for foreign investments leading to a surge in
international investment which began in the late 1960s. The restrictions on the
capital movements were removed by world nations since 1970s and it was this
dismantling of regulations and controls over finance which led to the
Globalization of finance at an astounding rate since mid 1990s.
The impact of Globalization was felt
on all walks of life, especially on the urban population. The coming of foreign
investments increased the employment opportunities and the standard of living
of the people. In the third world countries it led to the boom of I-T and Telecommunications.
The advent of television, mobile phones, computers and internet changed the way
of life of people in those countries. Brand
new cars and branded products became part of lifestyle for many. Globalization
also had a serious impact on how people viewed their lives. It made even
families more liberal. Women got opportunity to come to the fore front of the
society and better education and job opportunities provided them with the
social, economic and political empowerment which was denied to them for
centuries. But the impact of Globalization was not all the same in rural areas
as it was felt in urban areas. It led to the decline of agriculture which was
the backbone of the rural economy. It led to the massive migration of men from
rural to urban and in most cases, leaving their women and children behind. It
is in this context we attempt to make a review on the impact of Liberalization,
Privatization and Globalization on the lives of rural women.
Impacts of Globalization on Rural Women
The implications of Globalization for
rural women are complex. For some women it presented with new opportunities
that could drastically improve their lives, and for some others, it led to
social exclusion and marginalization. On one hand majority of women in India
and other developing countries find themselves stripped off the benefits of
social security, government subsidy, protection of labour rights, and the
safety nets. On the other hand, there were possibilities of better education
facilities and opportunities at the transnational sense which are very
attractive to the privileged few. The benefits have included increased off farm
activities, including wage employment in non agricultural sectors and enhanced
opportunities for participation in local decision making and networking which
includes information and communication technologies.
One of the major outcomes of Globalization
was that land became a highly marketable asset. This led to the privatization
of land through titling and registration programmes and accompanying
legislation. But women benefited less than men from these changes. The
traditional attitudes and stereotypes regarding the role of women and men in
the society gave men the control over land and the rights of women over land
were ignored by the family and community members, particularly in the case of
widowed and divorced women.
The deliberate expulsion of women
from their rights on land, resulted in their limited access to credit
facilities, because land is the major asset used as collateral to obtain rural
credit. The increased privatization of financial sector made the access of
credit even more difficult for women in rural areas. This situation led to the
emergence of micro credit schemes for the empowerment of rural women in the
decade post Globalization. However men maintained significant control over the
credit brought by women into the household and the loans were used for purposes
different from the ones applied for. The loans and the pressure for the
repayment of it led to stress and to higher levels of domestic violence.

Privatization affects rural
population in terms of their access to public goods such as water, fire woods
and other free raw materials. This creates hardships for women in terms of time
spend in collecting wood for fuel, water and other common property resources.
As a result women’s aquaculture, horticulture and animal husbandry activities
are jeopardized.
The spread of agro-industry and rural
industrialization post-Globalization has increased the possibilities for women
to access cash income through self employment or the setting up of rural
enterprises. Wage employment allows women to get out of the relative isolation
of the home and gain self esteem and confidence. But that did not change the
status of women in the family. Even when they are earning wages, women retain
the primary responsibility for domestic work. Men and boys in the family do not
take on a greater share of responsibility for the household management and
family care.
Inequalities in education and skill
acquisition can explain the fact that women benefit less than men from economic
opportunities. Globalization helped in creating improved access to training and
education. But the benefits of these reached more the urban women and not the
rural women. Gender inequalities in education are predominant in rural
areas. The increased working
opportunities created by Globalization demanded increased labour from rural
women and girls, which jeopardized their education and even resulted in their
complete withdrawal from school.
Globalization has been accompanied by
political changes in the form of decentralization and this opened up new space
for women. In India, more than a million women are now at different levels of local
governance in both rural and urban local bodies. This led to the political
empowerment of women. The Women’s Reservation bill under the consideration of
Indian Parliament could turn out to be landmark legislation in this regard, if
Increased labour mobility as a result
of Globalization has resulted in changes in household composition. Men are away
on temporary or seasonal migration while continuing to maintain their decision
making power. Lack of access to resources at home, particularly productive
land, is one factor that contributes to women’s migration from rural areas
complemented by the potential attraction of labour market opportunities. Apart
from economic reasons, women also migrate in order to escape the hardships of
rural life and the patriarchal social control. But these women are vulnerable
to trafficking for the purpose of exploitation, including prostitution and
forced labour, because they are uneducated and have limited knowledge about the
world outside their rural areas.
Spread of Information and
communication technologies were another outcome of Globalization. Effective
access and use of information and communication technologies can improve rural
women’s understanding of the society and participation in community and
economic development activities. But this will be depending on infrastructure,
such as roads and transport, education, training and economic resource. If
these requirements improve in the rural areas, then multiple forms of media and
communication technologies will reach more women in rural areas.

Globalization has had both positive
and negative impact on the lives of rural women. But as of now it has to be
accepted that the negatives outweigh the positives. It has stripped off the benefits of social
security, government subsidy, and protection of labour rights from the rural
women. As land became a highly marketable asset, the rights of women over land
were ignored by the family. The deliberate expulsion of women from their rights
on land and the increased privatization of financial sector made the access of
credit even more difficult for women in rural areas. The privatization of raw
materials jeopardized aquaculture, horticulture and animal husbandry activities
of rural women. Globalization resulted in changes in household composition. The
temporary or seasonal migration of men increased the household burden of rural
women. On the other hand, Globalization provided rural women with better
education facilities and opportunities. It also resulted in increased off farm
activities, including wage employment in non agricultural sectors and enhanced
opportunities for participation in local decision making and networking which
includes information and communication technologies.
We have come a long way since
globalization and any debate on the virtue of the implementation of it is
irrelevant now. Globalization is a reality we have to live with and is an
irreversible process. But what the policy makers can now think of is how to how
the negative impacts could be rectified. Policies should be adopted
concentrating rural areas especially the rural women which will ensure their
rights on property, education and work. Training programmes should be conducted
that will introduce women to the latest information and communication
technologies and infrastructures should be developed that will make these
technologies reach every rural household. New innovations, research and
development can be brought to the agriculture sector which could save it from
further declining. Thus such concentrated efforts can turn the tide in favour
of the rural areas and could result in the development of the villages as
dreamt by the father of India – Mahatma Gandhi.
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